
CSI 3000

CSI 3000 is an EPA-registered pure chlorine dioxide liquid concentrate. No on-site mixing or "activation" is required, just dilute from the 3000 ppm concentrate to whatever dilution is desired. CSI 3000 can be used to control microorganisms in research, food, pharmaceutical, and agricultural applications.

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  • Pure chlorine dioxide
  • Storage stable for up to 9 months
  • Rinses clean with no residue

Pure Chlorine Dioxide

CSI 3000 contains a pure 3000 ppm solution of chlorine dioxide in water with no byproducts.

Storage Stable for up to 9 Months

Shelf life is different depending on package size, ranging from 90 days to 9 months when sealed. Once opened, CSI 3000 should be stored in a cool, dark environment to minimize concentration loss.

Rinses Clean with No Residue

CSI 3000 rinses cleanly, leaving no residue behind.

  • Available in 5 Different Sizes:
  • 5 Gallons
  • 15 Gallons
  • 30 Gallons
  • 55 Gallons
  • 275 Gallons
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