
The Regulations, Policies, and Procedures for Caring About Your People Webinar

The lab animal science industry is highly regulated for good reason; we must do everything in our power to protect the animals under our care. We follow the 3Rs as closely as possible, refine practices to provide the best animal welfare possible, and constantly look at new ways to provide animal enrichment and support. But where are your caretakers in all of this?

Too often our front-line animal care workers are some of the lowest-paid employees in the organization but also act as the first responders for animal care services. When animal-related policies change, they’re the first ones retrained to put them into practice. They frequently must put in overtime and work through holidays, and when the going gets tough, they’re the ones who handle the emergencies.

This presentation will focus on developing internal policies and procedures for your staff. We will discuss some quick wins that can help set your animal care program on the path to true employee engagement and help to provide the best possible care for your animals.